Monday, August 2, 2010

Genetic Engineering

nsulin is required for the maintenance of blood sugar level in diabetic patients. This Insulin can be obtained as

1. Insulin of animal origin from the animals slaughtered in the slaughter house.

2. Insulin produced in or by E. Coli through the genetic engineering technology.

Insulin of animal origin may sometimes produce allergic reactions and thus may prove to be risky for life.

Insulin obtained from the E. Coli is found to be quite safe and hence widely used. The important requirements for obtaining any product through genetic engineering technology are

1. The host cell

2. Vector

3. Desired DNA

4. Specific Enzymes.

The recombinant DNA can be increased by its multiplication in the host cell. Bacteria and yeast are normally used as host cells. Vector is the one which carries DNA from one cell to another. The plasmids of bacteria are used as vectors.

It is now possible to synthesis DNA in the laboratory. DNA can be also obtained from the other cells by isolation and purification techniques. e.g. NIF genes,for nitrogen fixation gene are monoclonal antibiodies, insulin gene etc. The enzymes employed in this technology include the enzyme restriction endonuclease and the enzyme ligase. Enzyme restriction endonuclease cuts the DNA strand at a specific site . Enzyme Ligase joins the two DNA fragments.

Email Based Homework Assignment Help in Genetic Engineering

Transtutors is the best place to get answers to all your doubts regarding genetic engineering, requirement of insulin, products of genetic engineering and specific enzymes with examples. You can submit your school, college or university level homework or assignment to us and we will make sure that you get the answers you need which are timely and also cost effective. Our tutors are available round the clock to help you out in any way with biology.

Live Online Tutor Help for Genetic Engineering

Transtutors has a vast panel of experienced biology tutors who specialize in the genetic engineering and can explain the different concepts to you effectively. You can also interact directly with our biology tutors for a one to one session and get answers to all your problems in your school, college or university level biology. Our tutors will make sure that you achieve the highest grades for your biology assignments. We will make sure that you get the best help possible for exams such as the AP, AS, A level, GCSE, IGCSE, IB, Round Square etc.


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